Today, the House of Representatives successfully voted 279-137, demonstrating a supermajority (67%) of support, on H.R. 644, a package of charitable incentives including the conservation tax incentive. The bill passed with bipartisan support. The Land Conservancy of Ridgefield thanks all who were involved in helping achieve this important milestone for conservation. Off to the Senate!
On March 15, 2014, The Land Conservancy of Ridgefield participated in this annual conference. Doug Martin presented our experiences in land stewardship. Attending with Doug were James Tobin and Michael Carpenter. James has attended this conference for the past 5 years and commented on its growth in both content and attendees. Approximately 330 attended the conference which was held at Wesleyan University.
On January 24th, 2014, the Land Conservancy of Ridgefield along with five other Fairfield County land trusts signed a Memorandum of Understanding to create a shared service platform to expand their current administrative and operating capacities. We have called our new association, The Northern Fairfield Land Trust Coalition (NFLTC). Refer to the Ridgefield Press article (at “”) for additional information.
The Land Conservancy will be participating in the Land Trust Alliance’s 2013 Circuit Rider program (1 of only 2 programs in the US). The program provides assessments of compliance with standards and practices for land trusts. This program was made possible through a donation from the The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation, Inc.
The Land Conservancy of Ridgefield joins Terrafirma, a charitable risk pool owned by the participating land trusts that insures its members against the legal costs of defending conservation. (Please refer to the Terrafirma website at for more information the organization.)
Maurice Sendak, celebrated writer and illustrator of children’s literature and longtime Ridgebury resident, granted the Land Conservancy of RIdgefield a 30-acre conservation easement on his property off Chestnut Hill Road to keep the woodland in its natural state in perpetuity.